DOSCH 3D Trees & Conifers CD1
max | 3D Models | 332 MB
This is an older version. It is NOT Volume 3, but still works and looks just fine.
DOSCH 3D Trees & Conifers CD1
max | 3D Models | 332 MB
This is an older version. It is NOT Volume 3, but still works and looks just fine.
Suites Hotel 3D66 Interior 2015 Vol 5
max | 3D scenes | 1.46 GB
There are 10 scenes from 041 to 050.
format : * max 2009, vray 1.5
Suites Hotel 3D66 Interior 2015 Vol 4
max | 3D scenes | 980 MB
There are 10 scenes from 031 to 040.
format : * max 2009, vray 1.5
Suites Hotel 3D66 Interior 2015 Vol 2
max | 3D scenes | 980 MB
There are 10 scenes from 011 to 020.
format : * max 2009, vray 1.5
Suites Hotel 3D66 Interior 2015 Vol 1
max | 3D scenes | 1.15 GB
There are 10 scenes from 001 to 010.
format : * max 2009, vray 1.5