Topo Relax v1.0 for 3DS Max 2009-12
Plugin | 3ds max | 0.3 MB
TopoRelax is a 3ds Max modifier which relaxes meshes while preserving their volume unlike the normal relax modifier which shrinks the mesh.
Topo Relax v1.0 for 3DS Max 2009-12
Plugin | 3ds max | 0.3 MB
TopoRelax is a 3ds Max modifier which relaxes meshes while preserving their volume unlike the normal relax modifier which shrinks the mesh.
BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max
Plugin | 3ds max | 1.29 MB
BonyFace is a complex facial animation system, was written on MAXScript, works in 3ds max 2008 and above. It consists of tools for rigging, skinning and animating facial expressions on 3D-Faces with ease and flexibility.
3D IO UVpacker v1.20 for 3DS Max 2013 XFORCE
Plugin | 3ds max | 4.65 MB
UV-Packer automatically redistributes all UV charts in a UV map for optimal fit. Do you often find yourself spending a lot of time to rearrange charts generated by pelting or do you need to modify UV maps because the proportions of the UV space or the size of the required padding have changed?
Scatter VL Pro 2012 for 3DS Max
Plugin | 3ds max | 7.26 MB
ScatterVL Pro will let you alter any aspect of volumetric light, even to use own projector map! Included SVL Caustic Map plugin enables caustics inside the volume. Since this map is actually faking caustics effect, rendering times are pretty close as rendering with Shadow Maps.
Ky Color Variator v2.0 for 3ds Max 2011 – 2013 x32/x64
Plugin | 3ds max | 1.18 MB
Version 2.0 Added the ability to use any auxiliary texture (eg, Bitmap, Gradient, Noise, etc.) as a source of samples for base color. Probability of using the color depends on how often it occurs in the auxiliary texture.Added the ability to vary the texture coordinates (Offset, Tiles, Angle). This allows you to vary the mapping of one and the same texture for the various objects in the scene.Added the ability to vary the parameters (including color, texture coordinates, etc.) for different Tile ID.Added full support of plug-in MultiScatter (including MultiScatter ObjectColor) for V-Ray 2.10 and above.
3D IO Unwrella v2.20 for 3DS Max 2013 XFORCE
Plugin | 3ds max | 5.75 MB
Unwrella is an exact unwrapping plug-in for Autodesk 3DSMAX.
Oynx TreeStorm 3DS Max 2012
Plugin | 3ds max | 2.42 MB
TREE STORM plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max is a breakthrough product, now in its 14th year of production – originally developed in 1998 – is the first 4D modeler for trees ever developed. This plugin package enables you to model trees created with OnyxTREE BROADLEAF, OnyxTREE CONIFER, and OnyxPALM generators or TREE CLASSIC generator directly into Max and animate the trees on the wind.v
MDO Plants for 3DS Max
Plugin | 3ds max | 54.73 MB
MDO Plants is a set of plugins for Autodesk 3ds Max that allows to organise models, create ecosystems, design and distribute plant models.
Madcar 3.3.11a For 3Ds Max 2008 – 2013
Plugin | 3ds max | 9.45 MB
MadCar 3 is a plug-in for 3DS Max for quick rigging of wheeled vehicles and their animations by simulating the control. This new version allows rigging vehicles with any number of wheels, and with any of their mutual arrangements including motorcycles. Any number of trailers is also supported.
Batzal Roof Designer For 3Ds Max 2013 x32/x64
Plugin | 3ds max | 2.62 MB
Roof Designer is a plug-in for 3D Studio Max for creating 3D roofs.Whether you are creating a fast rendering textured roof or a top quality roof covered with mesh tiles, The Roof Designer plug-in can save you precious time.