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Archive for September, 2014

Accessories Collection

Accessories Collection
max | 3D models | 346 MB

Thera are 24 models about Accessories .

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3D Accessories 3D MODELS 3DS MAX

Nitro4D ElectricFX 1.00 for Cinema 4D R12 - R16
Nitro4D ElectricFX 1.00 for Cinema 4D R12 – R16
c4d | plugins | 65.3 MB

This plugin allows the easy and parametric creation of electric filaments, for Tesla Coil like effects.

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

Nitro4D NitroFalloff v1.00 For Cinema4D R13 to R16
Nitro4D NitroFalloff v1.00 For Cinema4D R13 to R16
c4d | plugins | 1.03 MB

Tool for cinema4d to modelin with power falloff to make easy your model

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

PLUGINS for Autodesk 3ds max 2014
PLUGINS for Autodesk 3ds max 2014
max | plugins | 735 MB

PLUGINS for Autodesk 3ds max 2014

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3ds max plugins PLUGINS

The Foundry Colorway Kit 1.0 v1 for C4D
The Foundry Colorway Kit 1.0 v1 for C4D
c4d | plugins | 72.8 MB

COLORWAY is an application that aids creativity and focuses the decision making process, recognizing that a team of people involved in making design decisions have different goals and expertise. COLORWAY significantly streamlines the iterative design workflow bringing clarity and efficiency through fast, non-destructive material and lighting changes.

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

DNS WinGen v1.6 for Cinema4D R13 to R16 WIN64
DNS WinGen v1.6 for Cinema4D R13 to R16 WIN64
c4d | plugins | 16.2 MB

The Window Generator and Placement Tool is a plugin to dramatically speed up the creation and placement of windows for achitectural visualisations within Cinema4D. It features an intuitive and fast way to position and scale windows in your scenes, and features many settings to adjust the look of your windows. Placing windows in your scenes becomes a matter of seconds, and with the multitude of settings and the flexible detail system, you are able to create a wide variety of different window styles. It also features it’s own PresetBrowser that comes with a variety of stock presets and detail objects, and which will allow you to save and re-use your own window creations

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

CuriousAnimal Complete Plugins for Cinema4D R13-R16 Win64
CuriousAnimal Complete Plugins for Cinema4D R13-R16 Win64
c4d | plugins | 7.67 MB

Curious Animal Limited does design, animation and coding, and is run by Dan Fitzgerald.

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

Golaem Crowd v3.3.3.1 For Maya 2015 Win64
Golaem Crowd v3.3.3.1 For Maya 2015 Win64
maya | plugins | 96.3 MB

Golaem Crowd: Artist driven crowd simulation

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

Remotion4D SuperVoxels 131125 for Cinema4D Win64
Remotion4D SuperVoxels 131125 for Cinema4D Win64
c4d | plugins | 19.8 MB

SuperVoxels is plugin for Maxon Cinema4D R14 and R15.It is multi threaded voxel generator, processing tools for C4D.It also voxel cloner, tetraeder generator, TP generator, Iso Surface Polygonizer, CSG, even voxel Boolean and more…

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c4d plugins PLUGINS

Light Painter 1.0 for 3ds Max
Light Painter 1.0 for 3ds Max
max | plugins | 43.3 MB

The Light Painter script was created to help you with lighting your scenes and setting the reflections on your objects using v-ray lights. You can place the reflections from different lights exactly where you want by picking points on your objects.

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3ds max plugins PLUGINS
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